Friday, September 11, 2009

You've Created a Monster!!!

Well Marc and I in our abundance of free time and energy, have decided to start a bit of a creative endeavor which has become "Blistered Thumb Games". The name comes from the ingrained memory of playing some of the early console button mashing classics for hours on end until a blister forms. Did anybody else try adding extra padding to the band-aid so they could keep playing. It never works!

Anyway, the problem with a labour of love is often you don't get to work on it half as much as you would like to especially when you have a full time job. Nonetheless we both love playing games and figure it's time to make some of our own. We have a hat full of ideas but our first kick at the can will be announced hopefully by Halloween. Stay tuned. Perhaps we'll start dropping hints in a week or so as to the theme and game play. Maybe we already have???

Cheers for now.
