Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas: It's Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well with Christmas finally here, we've released our first game "Zombie Planet". It has been a fun ride working on it and we learned a lot.

When Marc and I started talking about making some fun little games for the iphone, we had a dozen or so ideas knocking around. Some were very simple, some elaborate, and the game mechanics and subject matter were quite varied. We'd settled on "Zombie Planet" mostly because we thought it would be a super fun theme, and the model would allow us to experiment with a few things which will help us in the future. So we decided the game would be a little different than the other zombie games we played on the iphone. We wanted the visuals to be a little tighter. We wanted the cutest, ugly little zombies, and we wanted a style simple enough to work with quickly.

Originally we wanted to release a very elaborate game with Monster Bash having many levels, and there being a dozen or so mini games, and the mini games would be updated monthly. But then given the fact that we both have day jobs and freelance clients, we knew that it would be best to remain nimble. So we decided to release a base game for Monster Bash, and we will be adding levels, features, and new mini games frequently. So once you buy the base game all updates are free. We hope to update monthly and sooner if possible. Monster Bash will be level based game play with an increasing variety of click management gameplay. The mini games will be a varied array of everything and the kitchen sink. From puzzle, to action the theme will be consistant, but the feel of each mini game will be unique.
We've also been lucky to have Neil Kennedy join our team to give us some kicking sounds and music.

Get it here:

So I hope you guys play the game, and I hope you like it. There is lots of fun stuff to come. And if anybody has comments, suggestions, ideas or anything they'd like to see, email us at:

We're learning and having fun doing it. Your feedback keeps us improving and growing. And your support will keep us adding new content

Cheers and Merry Christmas.

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